©2012 GWS, Inc., Client Confidential


Follow the links below to find helpful information on several important topics.

Help Topics

  1. Home Page
  2. Dashboard Options
  3. Preferences  
  4. Voice Reports
  5. Packet Data Reports
  6. Tools

Home Page [top]

The MobiStat home page is designed to facilitate navigation throughout the website. The home page contains important information including the following elements:  

1. Top-Rated Markets - On the left, you will find a list of the 30 top-rated markets based on the market-level Reliability score for the AT&T (2G/3G) device and a listing of the 30 top-rated markets based on the Overall Throughput value from Request of the HTTP Large DL task. Click on a particular market from either list to bring up the Dashboard view for that particular market. The Dashboard Options section goes into further detail about the Dashboard view.

2. Reports sent in last week  - On the right, you will find a listing of Reports that were released over the past week. Click on a particular market to bring up the Dashboard window for that particular market. 

3. Drive Schedule Status - In the top center of the home page, you will find a map showing the weekly status of the GWS Drive Schedule. Click on this map for a larger view, more details of each market, and an export of the full schedule.

4. National Trending Charts - Below the schedule map, you will find a graph of the National Reliability Trend as well as the National Overall Throughput Trend (HTTP DL Large from Request). This shows a quick snapshot of the Reliability and Overall Throughput values for all markets (pop-weighted) over past campaigns. Click on these snapshots to go to the detailed report where you can change the parameters for these plots.

A snapshot of the MobiStat home page is shown below:  

Feedback Link [top]

The "Feedback" option (outlined below in red) may be used to notify the MobiStat development team of any problems you may encounter or any enhancement ideas you may have. Click on "Feedback" and send an email to relay comments or suggestions.


Dashboard Options [top]

Dashboard is a feature under the special tab that provides a quick, customizable, and consolidated view of a market's voice and packet data charts and tables. The Region, Market, and/or Submarket that automatically comes up as well as specific charts and tables may be tailored to the your preference by modifying the Preferences tab.

To view the Dashboard, select "Dashboard" under the "Tools" tab. 


A screen that appears like the one below will come up the first time you use the feature.


Enter Region, Market, ED market, UMTS Submarket, and Campaign as desired as in the example below; the dashboard charts will come up.



Specific charts and tables may be hidden if desired by clicking on the double arrow in the upper right-hand corner of each chart/table. You can click on any of the charts to move to the more detailed report for that specific chart.


To customize the dashboard to your specific needs, select the "Preferences" tab in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Once customized, the dashboard will always come up with the market and charts/tables specified in the Preferences. Individual charts may even be tailored for single or multiple view.

Dashboard Elements - There are a number of elements that can be turned on and off on the dashboard depending on your specific preferences. Some charts allow you to plot a specific carrier for multiple campaigns as opposed to plotting all of the carriers for the chosen campaign. This option is available in the "Choose what to plot" section.

Dashboard Options - There are currently three special options to choose from for your dashboard. These can be found under "Dashboard Options" as seen above.

Home Page Options - This section allows you to choose the type of Packet Data chart to show on the home page.

Inactivity Timeout Warning and Refresh Option

MobiStat will now provide a warning that the current session is getting ready to expire due to inactivity and will let you refresh the session if so desired. The current inactivity timer is set to one hour and the warning will pop-up 2 minutes before the hour.


GWS will be performing weekly updates to the servers on Saturday mornings around 9am EST.  This will include a server reboot so servers might be temporarily unavailable during this time.


Voice Reports [top]

A&R Voice Charts[top]

Market Filtering

Every chart can be filtered by geographic regions.

To run the A&R Chart, select a region, campaign, ED market, GWS market, UMTS submarket, Carrier, and UMTS Vendor. You can keep your market selections while changing campaigns if you click the "Lock Markets" box under the GWS Market menu.

"UMTS Vendor" Filter for Charts - The "UMTS Vendor" filter allows for the filtering of the market list based on the UMTS provider. The "All" selection turns the filter off, displaying all markets; however, either Ericsson or Lucent may be selected individually. The UMTS Vendor filter is available for all voice and packet data charts. The example below shows the filter use for an A&R voice chart.

Note the differences in the GWS Markets listing in the following two examples depending on the UMTS Vendor selection.  The first picture shows Ericsson as the UMTS vendor, and the second shows Lucent.

A&R Advanced Filters - The "Show Advanced Filters" option located under the "Run Report" button allows you to filter and group data based on a number of options beyond the basic selection criteria set when generating a normal A & R Chart or Throughput Trending Chart. The charts produced by the advanced filters are limited to a maximum of ten lines per chart.  Currently, if more than ten lines would be produced by the options chosen, then the first ten will show on the chart (based on the sorting of the group by fields). 

To use the "Show Advanced Filters" Option, first fill out the Chart window selecting regions, markets, campaigns, carriers, etc. for the report as seen in the example voice A & R Chart below and then select the "Show Advanced Filters" option.

The advanced filters box will appear.

Click on the drop-down arrows to see the filtering options. Below are filtering options for voice. Note that multiple filtering criteria may be employed; however, charts are limited to a maximum of ten lines.

The "Group By" options will define what is shown for each line in the chart. Previously, only Carrier was used to define each line. The X-axis provides three different options for choices: Campaign, Time of Day, and Day of the Week. Make your filtering selections, Group by selections, and determine the X-Axis. Select "Apply Filter."

The above chart used the advanced filtering capability to show Accessibility results for each carrier on one day (Monday) in Atlanta for each campaign. Using the "Export to Excel" link below the chart, you can see the actual values that make up the chart.

A&R formulas [top]

The basic formulas for A&R are as follows:


Weighting by Population [top]

The biggest problem with this formula is that it does not take the population of a market into consideration. When averaging out the markets within a region, one market may have a larger population than another. So, the A&R report should reflect the population bias when presenting the data.

These two charts show the difference between a weighted and non-weighted A&R snapshot.

The equation used for pop weighting the market-level A&R values is shown below:

Active Set Size Charts [top]

The Active Set Size chart shows Active Set Size PDFs and CDFs for each carrier. You can find the Active Set Size chart option under Voice Reports >> Active Set Size as shown below.

A sample Active Set Size Chart is below:


The Active Set Size CDF chart may be viewed by selecting the appropriate tab in MobiStat. This chart can be used to show different campaigns for one carrier (as shown above) or multiple carriers for one campaign.

Active Set Size Trending[top]

The Active Set Size Trending chart shows the Average Active Set Size in the market per drive for multiple carriers.

To run an Active Set Trend chart, select Voice Reports >> Active Set Trend as shown below.


A sample Active Set Trend Chart is below:


Packet Data Reports [top]

Distribution Charts  [top]

There are four Packet Data distribution reports included in MobiStat:

The filters give you the option to view multiple data sets at once; however, only one of the three filters (i.e., Campaign, Market, and Carrier) can have multiple selections at a time. For example, you can select multiple carriers, but then you can only seelct one campaign and one market. Note that there is a 10 market maximum. The example below shows selections for a multiple carrier chart.

The following example shows selections for a multiple campaign report with only one carrier's results to be charted:

Once all selections have been made, click on "Run Report" to generate the Chart. 

Throughput Trend Charts   [top]

Throughput Trend Charts show the throughput values for each task type (i.e., FTPDL, FTPUL, HTTPSmall DL, HTTPLarge DL, HTTPSmall UL, and HTTPLarge UL). When multiple markets are chosen the values are weighted by population (details discussed in the Weighting section). This report will provide five different views into the throughput values:

Regardless of which option you choose, these values should not be used for claims purposes. Please see your marketing representative for those specific values.

The Throughput selection option allows you to choose if you want all results (both HTTP and FTP tasks) to be calculated from first byte or from request. Throughput calculations based on "From Request" measure throughput from the time the request was sent until the time the last byte was received. Throughput calculations computed "From 1st Byte" measure throughput from the time the first byte was sent until the time the last byte was received. Once a report is generated selecting throughput "from request," its results can then easily be changed to "from 1st byte" calculation by selecting that type of throughput calculation and vice-versa. You can also select your desired UMTS vendor from the UMTS Vendor drop-down menu.

By selecting multiple campaigns, you can trend packet data results over multiple campaigns. It is located under the Packet Data Reports Menu. Packet Data may be trended across campaigns to show multiple carriers for an individual task type or to show multiple task types for an individual carrier. If you select multiple markets, the Harmonic Pop-Weighted Mean will be used to combine the values. The following example depicts throughputs from one task type for six carriers trended over multiple campaigns:


You must fill out your selections:  Drive Num, Campaign, Sub Market, Market, Region, Carrier, Ed Market. Then, select how you want the Throughput to be calculated:  from Request or from 1st Byte. Finally, click "Run Report" to generate the charts. A sample chart is shown below: 


Results may be seen for 2G, 3G, 4G, Overall Throughput, or 3G/4G% by clicking on the corresponding tab for each report within MobiStat.

The following example depicts throughputs from one carrier for all four task types trended over multiple campaigns:

Detailed market-level throughput values may be downloaded for each report run by clicking on the "Export Market Level" link below each report. Selecting the "Export to Excel" link will provide an export of the rolled up values if multiple markets are chosen.

Throughput Advanced Filters - Below the "Run Report" button on the Throughput Trend Charts is an option to include some Advanced Filters.  This provides the option to filter the selected data as well as choose different options for the x-axis in the charts.  The selections and chart below show a sample Packet Data Throughput Trend Chart with advanced filtering:

The above Throughput Trend Chart results were drilled-down through Advanced Filtering to show only New York, NY county, and were grouped by carrier. Day of the week was chosen for the X-axis. Advanced Filtering drilled-down the data from the broader specifications entered into the Throughput Trend Chart selections.

Weighting Throughput by Population  [top]

Since throughput is a rate and the markets should be pop weighted, the Weighted Harmonic Mean equation should be used instead of the Weighted Arithmetic Mean equation, which is used for Voice stats. The Weighted Harmonic Mean equation is only used when more than one market is selected using the Summary Throughput Report. The equation used for pop weighting the market-level Throughput values is shown below:

CQI Charts [top]

The CQI selection filters appear as below. Note that the CQI chart has a filter for direction (i.e., Downlink or Uplink) as well.

An example of the CQI vs. Throughput Chart is shown for the above options:

To view data from any of the charts, click "Show Data" at the bottom of the chart. The data can also be exported to Excel by clicking on the "Export to Excel" link. The filters also provide a way to change the y-axis scale as desired by updating the values shown based on the specific chart and re-selecting the "Run Report" button.

Ec/Io Charts [top]

The selections for the Composite Ec/Io Charts appears as below:

An example of the Ec/Io CDF Chart is shown for the above options:

To view data from any of the charts, click "Show Data" at the bottom of the chart. The data can also be exported to Excel by clicking on the "Export to Excel" link. The filters also allow you to change the y-axis scale by updating the values shown based on the specific chart and re-selecting the "Run Report" button.

Composite RxPower Charts [top]

The options for the Composite RxPower Charts appear as follows. Note that this includes an option to show an average trend line for the RxPower vs. Throughput charts. You can turn this off by unchecking the "Show Trend Lines" box.

An example of the RxPower vs. Throughput Chart is shown below:

To view data from any of the charts, click "Show Data" at the bottom of the chart. The data can also be exported to Excel by clicking on the "Export to Excel" link. The filters also allow you to change the y-axis scale by updating the values shown based on the specific chart and re-selecting the "Run Report" button.

Momentary Throughput PDF/CDF Charts [top]

The Momentary Throughput PDF/CDF Charts for Packet Data filters appear as below. Note that the Throughput chart has a filter for direction (i.e., Downlink or Uplink) as well.

The PDF Chart generated from the above selections by clicking "Run Report" is below:

To see the data that composes the report, click on "Show Data." The data can also be exported to Excel by clicking on the "Export to Excel" link. The filters also provide a way to change the y-axis scale as desired simply by updating the values shown based on the specific chart and re-selecting the "Run Report" button. 

To view the CDF Chart, simply click on the CDF tab; the report will generate as shown below.


Advanced Packet Data Charts[top]

The Advanced Packet Data Charts use per-second Packet Data to generate charts to analyze and compare numerous metrics. They offer you the flexibility to choose the X and Y Axis. These charts also offer an advanced filtering option. Note that these charts are only available for AT&T (2G/3G) and T-Mobile.

The "All Modulations" field is specific to the y-axis and shows all three modulation options (i.e., QPSK, 16 QAM, and 64 QAM) all in one chart, but as individual lines. 

The "Combined Modulation" field represents the average modulation all in one value. For each second, GWS recieves the number of decoded subframes that use each modulation type. Since QPSK = 2 bits/symbol, 16 QAM = 4 bits/symbol, and 64 QAM = 6 bits/symbol. GWS can then use the percentage values combined with the bits/symbol values to get a single equivalent modulation value. < /p > < p > For example, say at a given second, 100 decoded subframes used QPSK and 100 used 16 QAM. This means that the equivalent combined modulation value would be (100*2 + 100*4)/200 = 3 bits/symbol, which is halfway between QPSK and 16 QAM. This is not a real number, but more of a representative value that describes the amount and type of modulation used during that second.

The "Capacity" field represents a combination of the Code Channels and SCCH Usage Percentage fields, which are both needed to represent the current loading of the network. This allows you to plot one value instead of two. For each second, GWS recieves the average number of code channels used (ranging from 1-15) when 1 or more code channels were used. However, this average alone does not describe how long those code channels were available. So, GWS also recieves the percentage of time (TTIs) that one or more code channels were used. This is combined with the average code channels to show a total capacity/loading value. More specifically, the average code channels are divided by 15 (total channels available) and multiplied by the SCCH Usage Percentage to arrive at one value. For example, if the average code channels used is 10 and the SCCH Usage Percentage is 30%, then the capacity value is (10/15)*0.3 = 20%.  This value means nothing by itself, but can be viewed relative to the same value for other variables like different times of day or another carriers network.

Select which metric to compare on the Y and X Axes.  Note that the Y-axis values are typically averages with the exception of the "PDF" option, which is a count/percentage.  Note that the "All Modulations" and "PDF" options are Y-axis specific and "TimeStamp (Hrs)" and "TimeStamp (Days)" are X-axis specific.

The "Swap" button allows you to switch the X and Y Axis metrics.  Currently, there are only three advanced filter options: Network Mode, Session Tyype and Downlink Channel. Once you have made your selections and set up the advanced filtering as desired, click "Run Report" to generate the chart as seen below.


Tools [top]


Mapping Layout and Features

MobiStat's mapping capability has several features including the ability to display per-second data such as Rx Power, Rx Qual, Mos_DL, Mos_UL, and Band for a carrier in a specific market. The new map layout opens to the "Layers" tab (shown at the top in the yellow box) with Layers options to the right of the map as seen below. Two options exist for mapping:  Market Selector and Rubber Band.

Market Selector Method

The "Market Selector" option allows you to view a specific market from a provided list of tested markets. The data can be shown for either Voice or Packet Data. In the example below, a market (Atlanta, GA), three campaigns (10D3, 10D2, 10D1), and one carrier (AT&T (2G)) were selected along with the Dropped Voice calls for each. If desired, the market boundaries can be turned on using the checkbox under the Region Display.

Clicking on a specific failure will provide a high-level view into the details of the chosen call.

You can also select multiple markets and one campaign. The following map shows AT&T(2G), AT&T(2G/3G), Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon call drops in New York, NY, during the 10D3 campaign. Each marker is color-coded by carrier as shown in the Legend. You can hover over a single marker to see details about that particular event.

Inside of the summary list, there is an option to download the per-second data around each call by using the "Click to download CSV excel file". This option uses Excel to show many more details of that call for further research. (The per-second option is currently only available for AT&T calls.) This download will provide all the details of the specific call along with the per-second data + 5 minutes around the call. Directly underneath the call record in row 3 of the spreadsheet is a link that will take you back to the map for this particular call.

To view the legend, click on the "+" beside the word Legend in the yellow bar across the top of the map. To remove it, click on the "-". The same is true for Layers, Point Info, and Breakdown. The Breakdown section provides a detailed breakdown of the failures for the carrier and campaign selected in the Layers section. It also provides a count of each failure type. Note, if multiple campaigns or carriers are chosen in the Layers section, then the count would reflect all of them together. The image below shows the breakdown of the displayed dropped calls.

Per-second Data

You can also view the detailed per-second data in the map. To view per-second data, you must limit your selections to one market, one campaign, and one carrier at a time. In the Layers section to the right of the map is a sub-section for "Per Second Data.  This provides a number of different parameters that can be shown within the map.  Simply select the checkbox of the parameter that is to be shown.  Per-second data is only available on a market basis starting with 10D2 data and is not available when using the rubber band method. CDR Point Details may still be displayed by hovering your mouse over each individual call exception as shown below in the map.

If you click on an individual point, "Point Info" will automatically display the details behind each point on the bar to the right. The "Point Info" provides point information of data if data exists at that location within the selected market or rubber band even if it is not currently displayed on the map. The map below shows an example of the Aggregate RSCP per-second values for the AT&T (2G/3G) device along with an Access Failure in New York City.

Aerial View for Bing Maps - You can also view the same maps using Bing's satelitte imagery. The standard buttons have been turned on in the upper right corner of the map so that you can toggle between the standard maps view versus the satellite view.

Maps may be viewed in 2D or 3D and may be shown in "Road," "Aerial," or "Bird's Eye" view by clicking on the words in blue on the top-left corner of the map. The above map is shown in 2D-Road view. The map below is shown in 2D-Aerial.

The next map shows the same dropped call but in the 2D-Bird's Eye view. The Call Failures can be shown in the Bird's Eye View; however, the per-second data does not show in this view.

The following map depicts a 3D-Aerial view of New York City with per-second and call failure data for an even more realistic view of the data. Note, as opposed to the previous 2D views, the 3D view can change rotation so that you can see the failure from different angles. The compass is shown in the upper left-hand corner.  Bing Maps must be downloaded to view maps in 3D. 


You can also use the Search feature to search for a specific state, city, set of coordinates, or landmark on the map. Click on the "+" next to the "Search"  tab at the top of the map to access this feature. You can also select the zoom level from 1 (farthest out) to 17 (closest in); the search will take you to the center point of whatever location you enter.

New Mapping Option to Show AT&T Sites

M obiStat's maps include an option to view AT&T sites on the map. AT&T provides the site list, which will be updated with each campaign. The "Sites" option appears under the Market Boundaries, and the sites are shown on the map as concentric circles. The following example shows the sites in Austin, TX, for the 11D1 campaign.


Rubber Band Maps

Most of the data and KPIs shown are provided at a market level. The Rubber Band maps provide a way to see KPIs (A,R, A*R, Throughput) for just a portion of a market (or multiple markets). The maps page will now include an option to use the Rubber Band selection (shown in screenshot below):


To use the Rubber Band plots either select a Market from the Market Selector field or manually zoom in on the appropriate area. Select the Rubber Band option in the Layers bar to the right of the map. This will change the filters to show Campaign and Carrier. If "Choose Area" is selected under the "Custom Areas" drop-down menu, you will need to manually click on the map to create points.

After you have selected your third point, lines will appear to define the current boundaries of your custom area. The area will grow as you add more points. Continue to add points and expand the "rubber band" lines until your desired area is completely encompassed. Existing points can be moved around using a click and drag approach. Once the region is set, it can be saved for future use by selecting the "Save" button or to erase the existing region and start again, the "New" button can be used. In addition, MobiStat will keep track of your last used rubber band so that you can go back to as necessary, even if you didn't save it. The image below shows a sample of a selected custom area:


Once the region is set, select the "A&R" or "Throughput" buttons under "Charts" to show a chart of the overall KPIs for just the selected region. The chart will open in a separate window along with your map. The following shows an example of the A&R chart:


The following shows an example of the Packet Data chart, which appears if you select "Throughput" under the "Charts" section. Currently, these charts are based on the HTTP DL Large task from Request.


You can also elect to show the failures inside of the region by selecting either "Voice Failures" or "Packet Failures" under the "Markers" section. All failure types within the region boundaries will be marked with a colored tab. Each tab has a symbol that shows what kind of failure occurred. If you hover over one of the tabs, a box with additional details will appear.


You can also opt to show only certain types of failures on the map. Click on the "Breakdown" tab at the top of the map. This will show the Sub Categories Window, and you can choose which failure type to show in the map. This will show the failures for all the campaigns and carriers selected. An example of the Packet Failures is shown below. The specfic failure type currently being shown will highlight in yellow in the sub-category window. 


Link to the GWS Secure FTP Site [top]

Within MobiStat, you have the ability to connect to the GWS Secure FTP Website without having to re-enter your login information. This link is found under the "Tools" drop-down as seen below:


This will open up in a new window; be sure that your pop-up blocker is temporarily disabled when using this site.

National Summary Map [top]

The National Summary Map option under Tools offers a new way to view the data on a National scale with three different options for data type:  Voice Map, Packet Data Map and Drive Schedule Map. The following image shows how to navigate to the National Summary Map.   

Voice Map

The Voice Map option provides data visualization of  market-level voice Reliability, Retainability, Accessibility, or ActiveSet scores for each market. You can select which metric (Reliability, Retainability, Accessibility, or ActiveSet ) to view on the map. You can also select either "Rank by Carrier" or "Range by Carrier" and the desired campaign. Once you have made your selections, click on "Submit" to see the results. 

"Rank by Carrier" is the default option and produces a map with color-coded markets according to the carrier with the highest value for the selected metric. Carriers' colors are supplied in the displayed legend. In the example below, Anchorage, AK, is displayed in red, which means that Verizon had the highest Reliability for that market in the 10D3 campaign. Placing the cursor over a market will display the market's name. 


To see the individual carrier's results, click on the market; a pop-up window will list the results in order of highest to lowest performance. Clicking on the column header will re-sort the data. You can also click on the "Dashboard" link in the pop-up box to go to the Dashboard for that market.


"Range by Carrier"  allows you to view one particular carrier's performance level throughout all of the markets. The default performance level ranges show any values above 99% as excellent (green), 95%-99% as good (blue), 90%-95% as OK (yellow), and less than 90% as poor (red).  AT&T (2G/3G) is the default carrier; however, you may select whichever carrier you choose from the drop-down window. Select the campaign you wish to view, and alter the range thresholds if so desired by selecting "Use Custom Range" and entering values in the Range Selector. To return to the default range values, uncheck the "Use Custom Range" box. 



Once all criteria is entered, click on "Submit" to generate the results.  In the example below, AT&T (2G)'s Reliability performance in the 10D3 campaign is depicted according to the legend. 


A particular market's results may be displayed by clicking on the market as seen below. 


Packet Data Map

The Packet Data Map provides data visualization of Packet Data Throughput as well as additional fields for all markets. HTTP Large UL Overall is the default, you can select other options as well. The "Round_Trip_Time" and "DurReqtoDCH" field options are both based on time and, therefore, the carrier with the smallest value is the leader for the metric. The DurReqtoDCH field shows the duration in seconds it took from the point of Request to the transition to a high-speed channel (DCH). The ranges for both of these options are fixed. The picture below shows how to select the desired field metric. 


Once the metric is selected, choose the campaign and either "Rank by Carrier" or "Range by Carrier;" press "Submit" to generate the map. "Rank by Carrier" is the default option and, if this option is selected, the map will show markets according to the color of the carrier with the highest value for the selected metric. Carriers' colors are assigned according to the displayed legend. In the following example, Santa Fe, NM, is shown in yellow meaning that Sprint had the highest HTTP Large DL Overall in the 10D3 campaign for that market.  


When you click on a specific market, the value of all the carriers in that market is displayed sorted from highest to lowest.  Click the column header to re-order the data.


If "Range by Carrier" is selected, the map will show a particular carrier's performance in each market color-coded according to performance thresholds. The default thresholds show excellent as green (75% of max for the carrier), good as blue (60-75% of max), OK as yellow (45-60% of max), and poor as red (< 45% of max). AT&T (2G/3G) is the default carrier, but any carrier may be selected from the drop-down list.


Thresholds may be modified by clicking the "Use Custom Range" box and entering new values. Once these values are chosen, they will hold for all carriers and all metrics chosen. The default values will return if the box is unchecked.


Individual results may be viewed by clicking on a particular market as seen below.


Drive Schedule Map

The Drive Schedule Map provides data visualization of the status of the current GWS d rive. The color of a particular market is determined by the status of that market's drive schedule. As the legend indicates, green means that the market drive is complete, yellow means the drive is still in-progress, and white means the drive has not yet started. This is not necessarily reflective of the Report Publish Date or status.

Moving the cursor over a market will show you the market's name. The drive schedule data may be exported to Excel by clicking on "Export to Excel" at the bottom of the screen. The drive schedule information is updated weekly; therefore, the details displayed in the map are current as of the date shown on the heading.


To know the details of a specific market simply click on the market, and it will give you the drive schedule details like Pops, Miles Driven, Start Date, End Date, and Report Date in a pop-up window as seen below. 


Network Performance Statistics   [top]  

MobiStat includes a section called "Summary of Network Performance Parameters," which shows the summary stats per market in tabular form. This also will allow you to compare voice and packet data to a previous campaign. To view the modified "Summary of Network Performance Parameters," select "Network Performance Stats" from the "Tools" menu. A listing of markets will appear as in the sample below:    

The markets will show in the order in which they were released from newest to oldest. The filters at the top can be used to narrow down which market and campaign to be viewed. On the left side of the screen under "Voice Table 2 & 3" or "Packet Table 2 & 3," select the table to be viewed (Voice or Packet). The example below shows the voice stats for Albuquerque, NM (11D1).

To compare the table to a previous drive, select the comparison campaign from the drop-down menu and click "Compare." Scores will be color-coded to show improvement (green) or degradation (pink) from one campaign to another within certain thresholds. The thresholds for each value can be seen by moving the mouse over the category name for that row. Moving the mouse over the specific value will show the same value from the compared campaign. This is shown in the table below:


Campaigns and Markets can be selected from the Table screen to allow the viewing of different markets/campaigns. The options at the top of the screen above the Table Title (Export to Excel, Summary, Table 3, Packet Data Table 2 & 3) allow you to export the data to Excel, navigate back to the summary market screen, switch to view the voice Table 3, or switch to view the Packet Data summary stats.